The Annual General Meeting at Railway Street Presbyterian Church
on Sunday 19th March 2006 took on a completely different form.
Traditionally these meetings have been held mid-week with the
usual reports and a programme of music provided by the church
choir, but this year the meeting was held in the church after
morning worship. After the service reports were given by the
Church Office Bearers: Gordon Lindsay - Clerk of Session, Robin
Coulter - Congregational Secretary and Maurice Gowdy -
Refreshments were served in the church hall where the
congregation were able to see at first hand the dedicated work
and commitment of each organisation�s leaders as they viewed
displays provided by: Beginner�s Sunday School, Boys� Brigade,
Girl Guides, Power Point Team, Ministry Outreach, 422 Club,
Presbyterian Women�s Association, Catering, Mission Support,
Choir, Ramblers, Fellowship Groups, Take Home Service,
Fundraising and the Rascals Youth Club.
Office Bearers L to R: Gordon Lindsay - Clerk
of Session, Maurice Gowdy - Treasurer and Dr.
Robin Coulter - Congregational Secretary, who
gave reports at the Annual General Meeting in
Railway Street Presbyterian Church on Sunday
19th March 2006.

Viewing the PWA display at the
Annual General Meeting in Railway Street Church
on Sunday 19th March 2006 are L to R: Betty Anderson,
Iris Levitt, Pat Hanna, and Maureen Bruce. Also
included and PWA ladies - Phyllis Spence, Edith
McConnell, Norma Coggins, Liz Menown, Dorothy
McClelland, Jean Murray and Elma Lindsay.