An evening of Country and Gospel music by
the Gardiner Family from Markethill, was held in Railway Street
Presbyterian Church on Saturday 4th March. The
Gardiner Family from Markethill, are well known throughout the
Province and have made several CDs. The family comprises
mother and father, Paul and Sharon, who sing, 20 year old Nicky
who sings contemporary gospel, 15 year old Nathan who plays
guitar, 12 year old Tim, who plays bass guitar and 7 year old
Aaron, who both sings and plays drums. Unfortunately
fifteen-year-old bass player Nathan was unable to play. The
family were joined on stage by Sharon�s mother Pamela;
completing a line up of all three generations of this talented
musical family.
The church was well filled for the event
and proceeds from the concert are in aid of the church
refurbishment programme.
Following the concert a lovely supper
was served in the Church Lecture Hall, by Phyllis Spence and her
catering team.
Young seven-year-old Aaron pictured singing
�Jesus Loves Me� with the Gardner Family at the
Country and Gospel Concert in Railway Street Church
on Saturday 4th March 2006.
Young seven-year-old Aaron pictured singing
�Jesus Loves Me� with the Gardner Family at the
Country and Gospel Concert in Railway Street Church
on Saturday 4th March 2006.
The Railway Street fundraising team that
organised the Country and Gospel Concert in the
church on Saturday 4th March 2006. L to R:
(seated) Len and Jean Murray. (back) Rev.
Brian Gibson, Karen Elliott, Norma Coggins,
Elizabeth Bridgett and David Kime.