Elma Lindsay (left)
co-ordinated the decoration of Railway Street
Presbyterian Church for last Sunday�s Harvest Services.
Elma is pictured at one of the many beautiful floral
displays with Vera Watson. Vera organises the
distribution of Church flowers each week to the sick,
elderly or bereaved members of the congregation
following the evening service.
A Harvest Thanksgiving Service was held in
Railway Street Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning. The
church was tastefully decorated for the occasion by Elma Lindsay
and a team of willing helpers. The minister, the Rev Brian
Gibson, led the service and Janet Ferguson, Director of Music,
led the praise with Bertha Cowan on piano and Ian Menown on
keyboard accompanied by members of the praise band. Soloist
Jordan Humphries sang, �I the Lord of sea and sky�. During the
children�s spot, Matthew Menown, Sara Menown, Euan McAteer,
Cameron McAteer, Anna Curragh and Sarah-Jane Jamieson sang, �Who
put the colours in the rainbow�. Sam McConaghy and Bryan Nelson
read the Scripture lessons and Len and Jean Murray led the
prayers of intercession.
In his address, Mr Gibson spoke of God�s
provision for and generosity to us emphasising that �nothing is
ours � it is given to us by God�. He pointed out our need to be
a generous people in response to a generous God and our
responsibility to share with people in countries where there is
so much hunger and pain.
On Sunday evening the church choir
presented a Harvest Festival of Music with guest musicians Alan
McClure, violinist and Gareth Lewis, organ and piano.