Pictured at a social evening in
Hillhall Presbyterian Church Hall last night
(Thursday 28th December) on the occasion
of the Rev Jack Richardson�s retirement as the
minister of Hillhall are L to R: (front) John Connor
- Clerk of Session, Rev Jack Richardson - Hillhall
Presbyterian Church and the Rev Adrian McLernon -
Drumbo Presbyterian Church. (back row) Alderman
Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA, The Right Worshipful the
Mayor Councillor Trevor Lunn and The Mayoress - Mrs
Laureen Lunn, Mrs Doris McIlrath and the Rev David
McIlrath - First Presbyterian Church Killyleagh.
A social evening was held in Hillhall
Presbyterian Church Hall last night (Thursday 28th
December) in honour of the Rev Jack Richardson and Mrs Sally
Richardson on the occasion of Mr Richardson�s retirement as the
minister of Hillhall Presbyterian Church after nearly 25 years
of exemplary service. The Rev Adrian McLernon, Minister of
Drumbo Presbyterian Church chaired what was a most historic
event; Mr McLernon will be in charge of the vacancy at Hillhall
until a new Minister is appointed. Also taking part were John
Connor - Clerk of Session the Rev David McIlrath - Minister
of First Presbyterian Church Killyleagh, soloist Yvette
Anderson, the Christian Endeavour Group and the Praise Band led
by Harry Stewart. Presentations were made to Mr and Mrs
Richardson on behalf of the congregation, Sunday School, P.W.A.,
Christian Endeavour and Saturday Night Live, Guides, Scouts,
Bowing Club, Lisburn Royal Black District Chapter No 1 and
Hillhall Golden Star RBP 1074.
Alderman Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA, The
Right Worshipful The Mayor Councillor Trevor Lunn and The
Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn were among the many friends and
well-wishers who packed the church hall. After a delightful
supper, the Praise Band and members of the congregation provided an enjoyable
programme of entertainment.