�It�s all about Jesus�
The Rev Jack Richardson, his wife Sally
and sons L to R: John, Neville, Alan and Jeff pictured
in Hillhall Manse prior to his farewell service in
Hillhall Presbyterian Church on Sunday 24th December.
John Connor, Clerk of Session (centre of
picture � back row) pictured with the Richardson family
prior to the final service in the active ministry of the
Rev Jack Richardson in Hillhall Presbyterian Church on
Sunday 24th December.
L to R:
The Rev Craig Wilson - Assistant Minister and John
Connor - Clerk of Session, welcome the Mayor and
Mayoress to Hillhall Presbyterian Church for the final
service in the active ministry of the Rev Jack
Richardson on Sunday 24th December.
After nearly 25 years of loyal service as the minister of
Hillhall Presbyterian Church, the Rev Jack Richardson BA, BD
conducted an emotional final service in his active ministry on
Sunday afternoon 24th December (Christmas Eve). The Mayor -
Councillor Trevor Lunn and the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn were
among the many friends and well-wishers who packed the church to
capacity, with up to 200 people listening to the service in the
adjoining church hall and choir room.
Steven Barrett on organ, Mrs Maxine McConaghy on piano and
Hillhall Church Choir led the praise. The carols were Hark the
herald angels sing, Away in a manger, In the bleak midwinter and
As with gladness men of old. The anthems were - Christmas
greetings and Rejoice and be merry. The Young people�s praise
group accompanied by Claire Mitchell sang - Love came down at
Christmas. Soloist Cara Curran sang - How beautiful are the feet
(Messiah) and O Holy night. Readings were by Maree Gillespie and
the Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn. The Rev Craig Wilson led the
prayers of adoration and thanksgiving. During the service,
little 13 week-old Zara Grace, infant daughter of Glenn and Sue
Montgomery was baptised, this was the last baby to be baptised
during Mr Richardson�s ministry.
Organists -
Lorraine Smyth, Steven Barrett and Mrs Maxine McConaghy
pictured with members of Hillhall Church Choir at the
final service in the active ministry of the Rev Jack
Richardson in Hillhall Presbyterian Church on Sunday
24th December.
Soloist Cara Curran who
sang at the final service in the active ministry of the
Rev Jack Richardson in Hillhall Presbyterian Church on
Sunday 24th December.
Gave himself to the Lord�s work
John Connor, Clerk of Session, welcomed the packed congregation
and gave a special welcome to the Mayor and Mayoress. In his
farewell to Mr Richardson he said that he had �given unstinting
of his time and energy to minister to the pastoral and spiritual
needs of the congregation. He gave himself to the Lord�s work
completely, often thinking little or nothing of his own needs in
the process and we as a congregation have been richly blessed
and greatly enriched by his Christ like ministry to us. Ably
supported by his devoted wife Sally, they have been a great team
throughout their ministry in this place. Mrs Richardson is a
quiet gracious lady who works away quietly behind the scenes,
never seeking the limelight in any way. She has been so
supportive of her husband during his ministry. Mr and Mrs
Richardson have been exemplary role models as to what a minister
and a minister�s wife should be. They are greatly respected and
much loved by all of us. We thank them both for their friendship
and pastoral care and for all that they have done for us�. Mr
Connor wished Mr and Mrs Richardson and their four sons Alan,
Jeff, John and Neville a very happy Christmas and concluded by
wishing that Mr and Mrs Richardson would be long spared to enjoy
a fulfilled retirement, and that God would bless them in the
days ahead.
It�s all about Jesus
In a challenging farewell sermon entitled �It�s all about Jesus�
Mr Richardson said that a Presbyterian church existed in Lisburn
since the early 16th century and that Hillhall congregation was
formed around 1750. He said that the church is not just a
building - it is the people of God worshipping in the name of
Jesus. Referring to Philippians 2 v 5-11 as read by his
secretary Maree Gillespie, he spoke of the Humanity and Divinity
of Jesus and the challenge of growing up and living a perfect
life. �Jesus means Saviour� he said, �He left the Glory of
heaven to die a perfect sacrifice for our sins, so in a real
sense, its ALL about Jesus�. He explained that during his 24�
years at Hillhall he had endeavoured to lift up Jesus saying �If
I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me - that is the task
of Hillhall Presbyterian Church past and present�.
Recalling the beautiful evening of 4th June 1982 and the large
marquee erected at the church when he was installed as the
minister of Hillhall he spoke of the family spirit that he
inherited and of the high privilege to be their minister for
such a long time. �I have shared so many happy and sad times
with so many members of the congregation and have ministered to
needs from the cradle to the grave - I have baptised so many,
married so many and shared in the development of so many from
childhood up to mature adulthood. That�s life - Sorrow and joy,
tears and laughter�.
Referring to Dickens�s novel �Great Expectations� he spoke of
the links in the chains of live and the obstacles as well as the
joys of life. Recalling many visits to over 500 homes in which
he had been made so welcome, he said, �You are a special people
and you will always be a special part of our lives�. He gave
thanks to John Connor (Clerk of Session), Congregational
Committee, Kirk Session, Sunday school superintendents and
teachers, leadership in the various stages of Scouts and Guides,
Christian Endeavour, caretakers, choir, praise group etc.
Referring to the support of these and many others he paid a
special tribute to their organist, the late Gerald Woods, who
regrettably died recently. Asking the question, �Who�s church is
it?� he replied, �It�s Christ�s Church, because - It�s all about
Speaking of his retirement from active ministry he said that it
was �time to draw a line in the sand� and continued, �I can only
pray that my successor will be as happy as I have been. I thank
you for all you meant to me and I pray that the church will grow
numerically and spiritually�. In conclusion he spoke of the
child (Jesus) who became a man and quoted the following verse
from a well-known hymn:
Man of sorrows, wondrous Name
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim!
Hallelujah! - what a Saviour!