An Art Exhibition and Sale of paintings by
local artists was held in Railway Street Presbyterian Church
Hall from Thursday11th to Saturday 13th
May. Rhonda Paisley, a well-known gifted artist whose paintings
have been exhibited throughout Ireland and the USA, officially
opened the exhibition at a Preview on Thursday night. All money raised
from this event will be used for the refurbishment of Railway
Street Presbyterian Church, which is nearly 150 years old.
Rhonda Paisley and the Rev. Brian Gibson
pictured with members of �Soul Mates� who organised
the Art Exhibition held in Railway Street
Presbyterian Church Hall from Thursday 11th
to Saturday 13th May. L to R: (front
Ruth Nelson, Karen Elliott, Rhonda Paisley and
Sheila Jamieson. (back row) The Rev Brian Gibson,
Julie McConaghie, Janet McAteer, Louise Clarke,
Hazel Wales and Pamela Woods.
Rhonda Paisley pictured with some of the many
local artists whose paintings were on display at an
Art Exhibition in Railway Street Presbyterian Church
Hall from Thursday 11th to Saturday 13th
May. L to R: (front row) Sally Scott, Rhonda Paisley,
Alice Shaw and Grace Agnew. (back row) Linda
Skates, Richard Lutton, Tommy Yarr, Eileen Rodgers,
Grace Hanna, Janet Coulter, Louise Clarke and Don
Rhonda Paisley shows her paintings �Lady in Red�
(left) and �The Free Ranger� (right) to exhibition
organisers Karen Elliott and Janet McAteer
The Rev Ken McConnell, a former member of Railway Street
Presbyterian Church, now minister of Oldpark (second
from the right) shows his painting entitled, �The
Country Walk� to L to R: Jean Murray, Margaret
Coulter and Len Murray.