Chelsea pensioners attend Royal Irish Regiment band concert
The Right Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor
Jonathan Craig welcomed Chelsea pensioners James McGuinness,
Norman Dawson, Colin Banks and guests in the Mayor�s Parlour on
behalf of Lisburn City Council last Thursday night (11th
May). After the reception they attended a concert in the Island
Hall where they enjoyed a great evening of music by the Band of
the Royal Irish Regiment under its Director of Music - Paul
Norley. The concert was co-ordinated by Tom Whyte - Director of
Music of First Lisburn Presbyterian Church and also taking part
were Lisnagarvey Operatic Society and the Wallace Preparatory
Department School Choir who performed excerpts from �The
Boyfriend�. Proceeds from the event were in support of
Parkinson�s Disease Society and Service Charities.

The Right
Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor Jonathan Craig
pictured with Chelsea pensioners James
McGuinness, Norman Dawson, Colin Banks and
guests prior to a concert by the Band of the
Royal Irish Regiment in the Island Hall on
Thursday 11th May. Included in the
photo is Tom Whyte - Director of Music (First
Lisburn Presbyterian Church) who co-ordinated
the event, Mike Hewitt - Secretary of the Royal
Military Police Association (NI Branch) and Paul
Norley - Director of Music (RIR Band).

Members of Lisnagarvey
Operatic Society pictured prior to their
performance at the Island Hall last Thursday
night. L to R: (front row) Sarah Small,
Gillian Algie, Gwen Gibson and Nell McIlwrath.
(second row) George Heron, Francis Walker,
Margaret Gillian, Liz Johnston and Matt Neill.
(back row) Barry McGonagle (Face of the new
Halifax Ad), Ross Boreland, Victor Berry, Roy
McIlwrath- Chairman and David Mehaffy.