Lisburn and District Scouts Annual Parade and 40th Anniversary Service of St Columba�s Scouts
Ten Scout
Troops took part in the Lisburn and District Scouts Annual
Parade and St. George�s Day
Service last Sunday afternoon. The scout troops
represented were: 1st Ballymacash based at St.
Mark�s Church, Ballymacash; 1st Derriaghy based at
Christ Church, Derriaghy; 1st Hillhall based at
Hillhall Presbyterian Church; 1st Lisburn based at
First Lisburn Presbyterian Church; 6th Lisburn based
at St. Columba�s Presbyterian and Methodist Church; 1st
Lambeg based at Harmony Hill Presbyterian Church; 2nd
Lambeg based at Derryvolgie Parish Church; 1st Hilden
based at Forthill School; 1st Annahilt; and 1st
Bands from Skeagh, St. Paul�s Church Lads�
Brigade, Ballylesson and Suffolk Boys� Brigade also took part in
the parade. The St. Georges� Day Service was held in St.
Columba�s Presbyterian and Methodist Church, Old Warren,
Lisburn. For members of 6th Lisburn Scouts based at
St. Columba�s, it was a special service as it celebrated the 40th
Anniversary of the formation of their Scout Troop in 1966 during
the ministry of the Rev. Dr. Malcolm Scott. The special guests
at the service were The Right Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor
Jonathan Craig and the Mayoress - Mrs. Yvonne Craig and their
children Nathan and Joanna. The Minister Emeritus, Rev. Dr.
Malcolm Scott, led the main service in the Church and his wife,
the Rev. Joan Scott, led the Squirrels and Beavers� Service in
the Church Hall. Mrs Scott based her address on the feeding of
the 5,000 emphasising the importance of not wasting anything in
our lives. Dr. Scott, in his address to all senior scout
members, spoke of respect and reverence as part of the Scout Law
and as something the world greatly needs.
Kyle Kenny and Jody Easton gave the Scripture reading
from Psalm 139 (13-18) & (23-24 and Romans 12 (9-21).
Evelyn Todd - Organist, led the praise at the main service
in the Church and Iris McLean on piano, led the praise at
the Squirrels and Beavers� Service in the Church Hall.
The hymns at the main service included: Thine be the
Glory; Lord, the light of Your love is shining; I want to
walk with Jesus Christ; and Mine eyes have seen the glory of
the coming of the Lord. The offering taken during the
service was �390, and will be donated to the Mayor�s chosen
Official Charity, �PAPA� (Parents and Professionals and
Pictured at the Lisburn and District
Scouts Service in St. Columba�s Church last Sunday
afternoon is L to R: The Rev. George Irwin -
District Chaplin, Noel Irwin - District
Commissioner, the Rev. Jack Richardson - District
President, Jessica Kidd - District Chairperson, The
Right Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor Jonathan
Craig and the Mayoress - Mrs Yvonne Craig and their
children Nathan and Joanna, Richard Totten - County
Antrim Commissioner, the Rev. Dr. Malcolm Scott, the
Rev. Joan Scott and Joe Clydesdale - St. Columba�s
Group Scout Leader.
The Queen�s Colour Party - Catherine
Morrow, Jordan Rodgers and Nathan Stewart pictured
at the Lisburn and District Scouts Annual Parade and
Service last Sunday afternoon. Included in the
photo is L to R: David Hilland - Assistant District
Commissioner (Cubs), Margaret Irwin - Assistant
District Commissioner (Beavers) and Joe Clydesdale -
St. Columba�s Group Scout Leader.
6th Lisburn Scout Troop
(St. Columba�s Presbyterian and Methodist Church)
pictured at their Easter Camp in the Mourne
Mountains held as part of their 40th
Anniversary celebrations. L to R: (back row) Colin
Watson - Scout Leader, Ned Kelly, Jordan Cairns,
Andy McMurray, Audrey Morrow - Assistant Scout
Leader and Jordan Rodgers. (front row) Daniel
Furphy, Sarah Kelly, Catherine Morrow and Jody