Lisburn & District Scouts hold first camping competition
Derriaghy, 1st Hillsborough, 1st Lambeg, 6th
Lisburn and two teams from 2nd Lambeg took part in
the first Lisburn & District Scouts camping competition at
Crawfordsburn Scout Campsite last weekend. In the first
category, the six Scout Troops were inspected at several
intervals throughout the weekend and were awarded marks on
personal kit, camp gadgets, kitchen hygiene, campfire, and site
maintenance; and in the second category they were inspected for
their First Aid skills. The overall winners were 1st
Hillsborough and the winners in the First Aid category were 2nd

Patrol Leader Graham
Walker, Assistant Patrol Leader Chris Hylands
and patrol members Philip Coulter, Claudio Manso,
Andrew Reid, Patrick Hylands and Richard Graham
from 1st Hillsborough Scout Troop are
pictured receiving the overall winners trophy
from Assistant District Commissioner Colin

Members of 2nd Lambeg Scout
Troop, winners in the First
Aid Skills category,
are pictured receiving the Billy McKelvey Trophy
from Assistant District Commissioner
Colin Watson.