About 60 members of Seymour Street
Methodist Church, Lisburn gave a live TV service on RTE 1 from
the RTE Studio in Dublin on Palm Sunday at 11.15am.
The choir, praise group and representatives
of the congregation travelled by coach to Dublin, leaving at
6.30am for rehearsal at the recording studio at 9.30am,
returning to Lisburn at about 3.30pm. They stopped on the way
there and back for a short picnic
provided by Jackie Wright and her team, further adding to
the fun and fellowship of a great day out for the choir members
and friends.
The Rev. Winston Good led the live TV
Service in Dublin and the Rev. Brian Anderson gave the address.
Richard Wright - Organist, conducted the church choir and Paul
Good and members of the praise group provided the musical
accompaniment. Jacqueline Sweeney led the prayers of
intersession; and Lynn Trainor, a member of the church choir,
accompanied by Steven McCrea, sang a solo entitled �God of the
Moon and Stars�. Other items of praise included, �Blessed is
the King of Israel� and �Cast Your Burdens�.
The Palm Sunday Service was relayed live at
Seymour Street Church in Lisburn, introduced by James Dumigan
with technical support given by Wilson and Johnny Stewart.

Richard Wright -
Organist (right) and members of Seymour
Street Methodist Church Choir pictured in
the RTE Studio in Dublin a few minutes
before the live TV Service on RTE 1 on Palm