Pictured at First Lisburn
Presbyterian Church on Sunday 10th
September are L to R: The Rev John Brackenridge,
the Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn and the
Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn, Perry Reid - Clerk of
Session and Tom Whyte - Organist.
Matt Craig - Youth Director at First
Lisburn (second from left) is pictured after
distributing Student Packs to three young members of
the congregation about to start University courses.
L to R: Greg Thompson, Neil Graham and Ian
The Right Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor
Trevor Lunn and the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn were the
special guests at morning worship in First Lisburn Presbyterian
Church on Sunday 10th September on this their
third visit to churches in the Lisburn City Council area during
their term in office.
The minister, the Rev
John Brackenridge gave the call to worship and the
congregation joined him in welcoming the Mayor and Mayoress. In
his address Mr Brackenridge spoke on the
theme �wanderers and strangers�. During the service to
mark - �PCI Racial Justice Sunday�,
Ernie Cromie led Prayers of Intercession on Racial Justice.
Readings were taken from Matthew 2:13-15 and Luke 9: 57-62 and
the Old Testament lesson from Genesis 12:1-9 was read by Richard
McNeight. Organist Tom Whyte and the church
choir led the praise: and the hymns included � And can it be,
Jesus is greater than the greatest heroes, My Jesus, my Saviour,
How deep the Father�s love and Love divine, all loves
excelling. The blessing was - May God�s blessing surround you
each day and the anthem was Panis Angelicus.
Matt Craig - Youth
Director at First Lisburn, led the Act of Commissioning for Mark
Robinson, a member of the congregation who will leave on
Thursday 21st September to spend ten months working with the
international Christian organization - Latin Link, on an
individual �Stride� placement to Mexico City Mission. Twenty-one
year old Mark will be involved in working with street children,
teaching English to local children, holding sports activities
and helping out at a local Church.
Matt also distributed Student Packs to three young
members of the congregation about to start University courses.
Greg Thompson - will study English and Education Studies at
Durham; Neil Graham - will study Architecture at Chelmsford and
Ian Robinson - will study Computer Science at Coleraine.
For more information on Mark
Robinson�s ten-month missionary outreach in Mexico, click on:
Mark Robinson�s ten-month missionary
outreach work in Mexico