The Right Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn
and the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn are welcomed to
Ballinderry Moravian Church by Br Henry Wilson (left)
and the Rev Jan Mullan (right).
Sr Patsy
Holdsworth, Moravian Lay Preacher, was welcomed as the Student
Minister of Ballinderry Moravian Church at a Service of
Introduction and Welcome last Sunday night. Sr Holdsworth,
whose husband is the Rev Paul Holdsworth - Minister of Kilwarlin
and University Road Moravian Churches, will be supervised by the
Rev Jan Mullin. She replaces the Rev Eckhard Buchholz, who
preached his farewell sermon at Ballinderry Moravian Church on
Sunday 25th June and now lives in South Africa.
The Rev Jan
Mullan, Gracehill, Minister of Gracehill led the service and in welcoming Sr
Holdsworth, she said that at University Road and Kilwarlin
Moravian Churches, the congregation have lost their minister�s
wife and that here at Ballinderry, the congregation have lost
their minister�s husband.
Br Henry Wilson
said that he wanted to make Sr Holdsworth extremely welcome and
hoped that she would enjoy a fruitful ministry at Ballinderry.
The Rev Leslie Spence - Minister of Glenavy and Craigmore
Methodist Church, welcomed Sr Holdsworth on behalf of all the
churches in the area. The congregation included members from
the other Moravian Churches and Br Derick Woods welcomed her on
behalf of the Moravian Irish District, of which he is the
Chairman. The whole congregation then joined in the welcome,
promising to support, encourage and pray for her in her work
amongst them.

Pictured at the Service of Introduction and Welcome at
Ballinderry Moravian Church last Sunday evening is
(seated) Sr Patsy Holdsworth (left) and the Rev Jan
Mullin. Included in the picture is L to R: (back row)
Rev Paul Holdsworth, Br Henry Wilson, Mayor - Councillor
Trevor Lunn, Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn, Rev Canon
Ernest Harris - Ballinderry Parish and Rev Leslie Spence
- Glenavy and Craigmore Methodist.
In response to
her introduction and welcome, Sr Patsy Holdsworth
said that she was �very excited about her new appointment at
Ballinderry� and explained that she was �embracing a new family
and looking forward to getting to know everyone�.
The special
guests were the Right Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor Trevor
Lunn and the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn in this the first of
their visits to several churches in the Lisburn City Council
area during their term in office. The Mayor brought the
greetings of Lisburn City Council and said that he had enjoyed
the service at Ballinderry.
Holy Communion
followed the Service of Introduction and Welcome and was
conducted by the Rev Jan Mullin. The evening concluded with