Rev Professor Robert
McCollum (second from left at front) pictured
with Bible club leaders, outreach committee and
the outreach team that took part in a special
reach-out ministry at Lisburn Reformed
Presbyterian Church this week.
A Summer Bible Club has been held all this
week at Lisburn Reformed Presbyterian Church. Led by Jeff and
Sarah Lyons and a team of enthusiastic leaders, the programme
included Bible lessons, singing, memory verses and games. The
evening programme for children aged 4 to 14 years old was held
in the church and an afternoon programme was held beside the
housing developments near the church. The Bible Club was part
of a special reach-out ministry week organised by the Outreach
Committee consisting of - David Currie, Dorothy Green, Vera
Cromie, Billy Martin, Andrew Currie and Sarah Lyons. The
reach-out ministry, which included a time-line presentation of
the Bible, open-air service and a book fair, will continue
tonight (Friday) at 6.30pm with a barbeque in the church car
park. A special guest service next Sunday evening (27th
August) at 7.00 pm will be the climax of the week, when the Rev
Robert Professor McCollum will speak on the topic, �Where is God
when things go wrong?� - Visitors will be especially welcome to
this service.