Mayor presents Summer Music School certificates at St Paul�s, Ballinderry Road
The Rector, the Rev James Carson and Elaine Coey -
Director of Music pictured with the Mayor -
Councillor Trevor Lunn and the Mayoress - Mrs
Laureen Lunn at a Family Service in St Paul�s Parish
Church last Sunday morning.
Peter Blake - Praise Band leader and Elaine Coey -
Director of Music and members of the large worship
group that led the hearty praise at a Family Service
in St Paul�s Parish Church last Sunday morning.

The Mayor - Councillor
Trevor Lunn and the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn
pictured with young people who received
Certificates of Achievement at a Family Service
in St Paul�s Parish Church last Sunday morning.
At the 10am Family Service in
St Paul�s Parish Church last Sunday morning (24th September) the
Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn assisted by Elaine Coey -
Director of Music, presented Certificates of Achievement to 16
young people who successfully completed a Summer Music School
held in the church during the summer months. They were:
Keyboards - Mark McCarthy, Victoria Orr, Mary Kurian and Ella
Thackray; Guitar - Mark Nettleship, Chris Nettleship, Amy
Abernethy, Liju Kurian, Cheryl Walker and Jonathan Walker; Flute
- Amy Jamison; Drums - Christopher Cochrane; Singers - Clare
Nettleship, Rebecca Stevenson, Naomi Orr and Ashlea Thompson.
After presenting the awards, the Mayor, a
former organist, congratulated the young people and gave special
congratulations to Elaine Coey - Director of Music and everyone
involved in training them. He also thanked members of the large
worship group that led the praise.
In his welcome and announcements, the
Rector, the Rev James Carson said, �It is a privilege to welcome
the Mayor and his wife to St Paul�s this morning to present
certificates to our young people who completed the School of
Music which we held this summer. We want to thank the young
people and their parents for their willingness to participate in
what has been a new venture for us as a parish. This was made
possible by Elaine Coey - Director of Music and our worship
group leaders Peter Blake and Richard McCrossan.�
In the children�s address, puppeteers
Rosemary Orr and Emma Carson introduced puppets Betty and Alex
who spoke about the importance of going out of your way to make
friends with people who are new to us. This was aptly supported
in an address by the Rev James Carson who told the story of Ruth
and how she was accepted as a stranger in a foreign country.
Liz Sloan led the prayers; and Peter Blake
- Praise Band leader and Elaine Coey - Director of Music and
members of the worship group led the praise. Worship songs were:
Far and Near, Lord we lift your name, Hosanna, Power of your
Love and Jesus be the centre.