The Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn and the Mayoress - Mrs
Laureen Lunn were the special guests at Toy Sunday in Seymour
Street Methodist Church on Sunday morning 3rd
December where they accepted the children�s gifts of toys for
Belfast Central Mission.
minister, the Rev Brian Anderson welcomed his guests to the
service and in his sermon entitled �Open your heart to
strangers� he spoke of how the innkeeper welcomed strangers Mary
and Joseph and also how strangers � the wise men and the
shepherds visited the baby Jesus. In bringing the greetings of
Lisburn City Council, the Mayor spoke of how the theme of the
service ties in so appropriately with his Mayoral Theme to make
�Lisburn a City for everyone� and emphasised the need to embrace
diversity. He wished the congregation every success and
concluded by wishing everyone a happy Christmas.
the service, Sarah Hinds and Ken McCrea gave an interesting
overview of their experiences at a weekend at Castle Erin,
Portrush. Jacqueline Sweeney, Alan Lewis and the Seymour Street
Praise Band led the praise. The Bible reading from Luke 1: 5-25
and 39-45 was read by Naomi Gray. Matthew Good, Michael
Anderson and David McCrea led prayers for those suffering Aids.