Children�s Day at Trinity Methodist Church, Lisburn
Children�s Day Service
Members of Trinity Motor
Cycle Club who attended the Children�s Day
Service in Trinity Methodist Church on
Sunday 11th June after biking to
Downpatrick and Ardglass leaving the church
at 7.30am with a brave minister�s wife on
the rear seat of one of the powerful
machines. L to R: (back) Lesley Webster,
Murray Clynes, John Magee and Alan Watson.
(front) Kenny Gray, Bobby Beggs, Debby Gray,
Christine Beggs and Adrian Glenn.
A Children�s Day
Service was held in Trinity Methodist Church, Lisburn on Sunday
11th June. Thomas Boyd gave the call to worship;
Leah Young offered prayers; Doil Park and Gemma Hartley read the
Scripture lessons; the under five year olds sang �O be careful
little eyes�; Zoe Smyth and Niamh Porter sang �The lord Loves
me�; Clare Gault, Catherine Gault, Hannah Elliott and Rachel
Smyth sang �I will praise You Lord� accompanied on piano by
Angela Sofley; members of the Bible Class sung several other
items of praise accompanied by Chris McCauley on piano, Stuart
Webster on drums and Ian Webster and Connor McBratney on
guitar. The Guest Speaker was Mr Alex Connor, from
Forthill Gospel Hall, Lisburn.
Julie Dougherty
Sunday School Superintendent
Alex Connor
Guest Speaker