Crown Jesus Ministries evangelist is guest speaker at Trinity Youth Service
The guest speaker at a Youth Service in
Trinity Methodist Church last Sunday was Keith (Mitch) Mitchell,
Evangelist with Crown Jesus Ministries. The Rev. Clive Webster
led the service and members of the youth fellowship led the
praise. Connor McBratney gave the bible reading; Lauren and
Rachel Elliott performed a well-choreographed mime; and Rebekah
Mulligan narrated an item of drama performed by Ian and Stuart
Webster. Paul Coulter was in charge of the sound and power
point presentations were by Lesley Webster. In his address
Keith Mitchell chose as his text
Ecclesiastes 12:1, �Remember also
your Creator in the days of your youth.� Keith explained that
today we are bombarded with advertising; we are spending
more money than we have, and we are too busy with life�s
pleasures and demands. In the midst of it all there is an
obvious danger and the importance of
a relationship with Jesus cannot be underestimated. Jesus is
more than a historical character, He is the Son of God, He is
your Saviour and friend, your very purpose for living, and - He
is trying to get your attention.

Pictured at a Youth
Service in Trinity Methodist Church last
Sunday morning is L to R: (back row) The
Rev. Clive Webster, Lesley Webster, Keith
Mitchell - Crown Jesus Ministries, Stuart
Webster, Christopher McCauley (at piano),
Connor McBratney, Ian Webster and Rachel
Elliott. (front row) Rebekah Mulligan,
Kirstan Duncan, Korine Duncan, Sian and
Megan Porter, Alex McBratney and Lauren