The Rev. Kenneth McGrath, who was ordained as Curate at
Lisburn Cathedral in June 2003, was instituted as Vicar
(Development of new Ministries) at a special service in Lisburn
Cathedral on Sunday 29th January 2006.
The Rev. Canon Sam Wright led the service,
the Rev. Dr. Maurice Elliott gave the sermon and the Bishop
of Connor, the Rt. Rev. Alan Harper, gave the charge and
commission. Readings were by Wendy McConnell, Bill Christie and Tadeusz Auksztulewicz. Items of praise led by Frank Bailie and
the Cathedral�s Music Group included: I will offer up my life,
Take my life and let it be, and Be Thou my Vision.
After the service, the ladies of the
congregation served a lovely supper in the Church Hall.
The Rev. Kenneth McGrath and his wife
Annette pictured at the Institution Service in Lisburn Cathedral on
Sunday 29th January.

Pictured at the Institution Service in
Lisburn Cathedral on Sunday 29th January 2006 is L to
R: (front) Rev. Canon Sam Wright, Annette McGrath, Rev. Kenneth
McGrath, the Bishop of Connor, the Rt. Rev. Alan Harper and the
Rev. Dr. Maurice Elliott. (back row) Martie Kennedy -
Peoples Warden, Keith Neill - Youth and Outreach Worker, Canon
Edgar Turner - Registrar and Paul Dougan - Rector�s Warden.