Graham Bittle and Naomi Kells have recently returned home after
missionary training in Australia and outreach in China and
Nigeria, working with a missionary organisation called YWAM
(Youth With A Mission).
Graham Bittle and Naomi Kells were engaged on
Sunday 12th June 2005 during missionary training in
Australia and prior to outreach in China and
Nigeria. They plan to return to Perth for further
missionary training following their wedding on
Wednesday 28th June 2006.
Graham Bittle, from Richmond Court, Lisburn is a member of
Railway Street Presbyterian Church and Naomi Kells, from
Listooder Road, Crossgar is a member of Ballynahinch Baptist
Church. During the first three months they attended YWAM�s
Discipleship Training School in Perth, Australia. YWAM is a
non-profit Christian organisation who, as well as running many
different ministries, develop individual�s skills in order that
they might best fulfil their motto �To know God and make Him
known�. The Perth Campus is the third largest of the many bases
that YWAM have worldwide.
The twelve-week lecture phase covered some of the
foundational beliefs and practices involved with being a
Christian. The intensive training and news of their engagement
on Sunday 12th June was followed by an eleven-week Missionary
Outreach, which split the group of thirty young people into
three different teams.
Graham and his team spent five weeks in China being involved
in worship, prayer and talking to people about God. This was
followed by six weeks in three different towns in Western
Australia working with churches and schools giving talks,
planting a new church and doing prayer walks.
Naomi and her team spent eleven weeks in Nigeria where they
worked with churches, got involved in community development
initiatives, and helped to pioneer a new YWAM base in the
capital city of Abuja.
The teams were reunited in September for a week of reporting
back on what they had seen happen in their various locations and
in each of their lives over the three months. They were given
opportunities to pray about what had happened over the three
months and about what they were going to do in the future.
Graham and Naomi, who travelled to Perth at the end of March
2005, arrived home in early December. They plan to return to
Perth for further missionary training following their wedding on
Wednesday 28th June 2006.