Pictured at the service for Scout
and Explorer Scout Sections in First Lisburn
Presbyterian Church on Sunday 22nd April are L to R:
(front row) Lt Col Alexander Cramsie, Clifford Boyd
(Former District and County Commissioner),
Councillor James Tinsley - Deputy Mayor, Mrs
Margaret Tinsley, Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA, Noel
Irwin (District Commissioner - Lisburn and District
Scouts) and Jessica Kidd (Executive Chairperson -
Lisburn and District Scouts).
The biggest ever Scouting event in Lisburn took place on Sunday
22nd April when over 1,500 Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer
Scouts from the whole of County Antrim held their St George's
Day parade and special services in three Lisburn city centre
churches as part of the Movement's ongoing Centenary
Scouts and scout leaders who took
part in the service in First Lisburn.
Lisburn & District Scout and Explorer
Scout Section colour party.
County Antrim Scout and Explorer
Sections colour party.
Organised by the Lisburn & District Scouts, the service for the
Beaver Section was held in Railway Street Presbyterian Church,
the service for the Cub Section was held in Lisburn Cathedral
and the service for Scout and Explorer Scout Sections was held
in First Lisburn Presbyterian Church. The seven bands taking
part were: Lisburn Young Defenders Flute Band, Magheragall Pipe
Band, Skeogh Flute Band, Suffolk Boys' Brigade Flute Band,
Ballyduff Silver Band, Ballylesson Old Boys Flute Band and
Magheramore Silver Band.
Part of the Cub Section colour party.
Beaver Section colour party.
First Lisburn Beavers.
The Rev John Brackenridge conducted the main service in First
Lisburn Presbyterian Church and welcomed the scouts, Lagan
Valley MP Jeffrey Donaldson, Deputy Mayor - Councillor James
Tinsley, Lt Colonel Sandy Cramsie and former local
Commissioners. Tom Whyte on organ and the First Lisburn praise
team led the worship, which included 'The Scout Hymn'. Irene
Richer (1st Lisburn GSL) and Ronnie Cartmill (1st Lisburn SL)
read the Scripture lessons and Scouts - Ben Brackenridge (1st
Lisburn), Jack Roach (6th Lisburn) and Andrew Reid (1st
Hillsborough) led prayers for the Centenary of Scouting. Ian
Craig, a former County Commissioner (1997-2002) spoke about the
development of Scouts over the last 100 years and his hopes for
the future and Noel Irwin (District Commissioner - Lisburn &
District Scouts) led the renewal of promises. During the
service, an offering was taken to support Children's Cancer
First Lisburn Cubs
First Anahilt Cubs.
First Hillsborough Cubs.
Matt Craig (First Lisburn) and Deepak Sampson (Railway Street)
conducted the Beaver Section service in Railway Street
Presbyterian Church. Tim Howe on organ led the praise.
Mandy Gilmore (BSL 1st Seymour Hill) and Jacqui Hylands (BSL 1st
Hillsborough) read the Scripture lessons and Beaver Scouts -
Connor Mason (Annahilt), Jamie Hewitt (1st Hilden) and Nathan
Howe (1st Ballymacash) led the prayers. Stephen O'Neill
(Assistant County Commissioner Beavers) and Margaret Irwin
(Assistant District Commissioner Beavers - Lisburn and District
Scouts) led the renewal of promises. During the service, an
offering was taken to support the installation of Children's
incubators in the Royal Victoria Hospital.
The Rev Kenneth McGrath conducted the Cub Section service in
Lisburn Cathedral and Jason Parker and David Brattle led the
praise. Kyle Cross (1st Derriaghy) and James Brogan (1st
Hillhall) read the Scripture lessons and Adam McNeill (1st
Lisburn), David Ruddell (2nd Lisburn) and Dylan Stewart (1st
Ballymacash) led the prayers. Billy McCullough (Assistant County
Commissioner Cubs) and David Hilland (Assistant District
Commissioner Cubs - Lisburn and District Scouts) led the renewal
of promises. During the Service, an offering was taken to
support the Positive Futures charity, which provides personal
and social development for young people with learning
After the services the entire County Antrim scout sections
reassembled for the return to Wallace Park where Ian Craig
(former County Commissioner) praised all those who turned out
and dismissed the parade.
Information on other District scout events can be seen online at
First Ballymacash Scouts.
First Ballymacash Cubs.
6th Lisburn Scouts.
Second Lambeg Scouts
Second Lambeg Beavers
Lagan Valley Explorers
David Anderson and Andy Brown
Lisburn Young Defenders Flute Band.
Magheragall Pipe Band.
Ballylesson Old Boys Flute Band.
Skeogh Flute Band (near Dromore).
Copies of any of these photographs are available at a
special price of just £4.00 for a 10in x 8in print. To order -
contact Noel Irwin (District Commissioner - Lisburn and District