Members of Railway Street Presbyterian Church's '422 Club'
pictured with the The Right Worshipful the Mayor - Councillor
Trevor Lunn MLA prior to attending a meeting of Lisburn City
Council in Lagan Valley Island last Tuesday evening (27th
March). L to R: (back row) Ian Bridgett, Maureen Bruce, Edith
McConnell, the Mayor, Gladys Brown, George Toombs, Laura
Mulholland, Moya McLean, Colin McLean and Helen Bridgett.
(seated) Liz Menown, Iris Levitt, Rosemary Henderson, Vivienne
Weir and Eric Scott.
The 422 Club meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 2
o'clock for 2 hours, hence the name. So, if you are free, why
not join us for talks, chat, friendship and fellowship and also
participate in visits to places of interest, theatre, shopping,
10-pin-bowling etc or join us for Sunday lunch at a local
restaurant on the first Sunday of each month.