'Serving the Lord'
At the dedication service in Lisburn
CWU Hall on Saturday 1st September are CWU Committee
Members L to R: (seated) Joseph Lockhart
(Secretary), Rev Albert Griffith (Honorary Vice
President), David Seeds (Chairman) and Robert Watson
(Assistant Secretary). (back row) Jean Kennedy, Mary
Moore, Robert Moore (President), Michael McNeilly,
Margaret Sharkey and Joyce Healy (Treasurer).
The Frazer sisters from Ardaragh Free
Presbyterian Church (near Rathfriland) were the
guest singers at the Dedication Service in Lisburn
CWU Hall on Saturday 1st September. L to R: Grace,
Cherith, Joy and Leanne (seated at piano).
At a special service in the Lisburn Christian Workers' Union
Hall on Saturday 1st September, the Rev Albert Griffith
(Honorary Vice President of Lisburn CWU and minister of Lisburn
Church of the Nazarene) dedicated the recently refurbishment
Hall, which has been equipped with new heating and audio systems
and new chairs. Mrs Joyce Healy on piano led the worship and the
guest singers were the Frazer sisters from Ardaragh Free
Presbyterian Church (near Rathfriland).
Joseph Lockhart, Secretary, who led the service, thanked all who
had helped to prepare the hall for the dedication service. His
words of appreciation for the work carried out during the summer
months were aptly summed up in the words of the opening hymn,
'To God be the Glory'.
In his prayer of dedication, Mr Griffith gave thanks for the
generosity of God's people and prayed that everyone attending
meetings in the refurbished hall would feel the touch of the
living God. He chose as the topic for his address 'Serving the
Lord' (1 Samuel 12 v 20). Referring to the name 'Christian
Workers' Union' he explained that we are Christian WORKERS ,
serving the Lord and should seek to obey His command to become
fishers of men and be witnesses for Jesus. He emphasised that we
must fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all our heart -
why' - because we love Him, and we love Him because He first
loved us.