Pictured at the Bishops' Bible week in St Saviour's,
Dollingstown last Tuesday night (28th August) are (front row)
Rev Terence Cadden (Rector of Seagoe Parish), Alison Cadden,
Letitia Fitzpatrick (UTV), The Right Rev Harold Miller (Bishop
of Down & Dromore), Rev Ed Vaughan (speaker) and the Rev Dr
Maurice Elliott (Rector of Shankill Parish). (back row) Worship
band members - Clara Costly, Julie Bell, Karen Bowden and
Jessica Huddleson.
The first ever Bishop's Bible Week got off to a successful start
last Tuesday night (28th August) at St Saviour's, Dollingstown,
the newest church in the Church of Ireland Diocese of Down &
Dromore. The week of mission concludes on Friday night (31st
August) and the theme for the week is 'Looking on the heart'.
The speaker is the Rev Ed Vaughan, rector of Crinken Church,
Bray, an Australian who had a very successful church plant
ministry in his hometown of Sydney.
On Tuesday evening, The Right Rev Harold Miller, Bishop of Down
& Dromore, who conducted the informal service, welcomed the
large crowd and led the prayers. The Cracked Pot Puppets
(Holywood) gave a humorous introduction and Alison Cadden from
Seagoe Parish and her music group performed songs and led the
singing. The soloist was Clara Costly. Letitia Fitzpatrick (UTV
reporter) read the Scripture lesson from 2 Samuel 1:17-26, which
was followed by a drama/video clip.
In the first of four Bible teachings, Ed Vaughan spoke on
joy and fear of the Lord'. Talking about the book of 2 Samuel he
commented: 'It's about the abuse of sex, the abuse of power, the
abuse of religion and the dysfunctional nature of families.
Murder, adultery, rape, hypocrisy and deceit - no it's not
Wisteria Lane, the setting for Desperate Housewives - it's the
book of Second Samuel! And the amazing thing is that out of all
this, God is glorified'.
Following the Blessing by Bishop Harold, the Cracked Pot
Puppets, bid everyone a most informal 'Goodnight'.
Ed Vaughan's topic on Wednesday was -
'The everlasting king' (2
Samuel 7). Tonight (Thursday) his topic is 'The king falls' (2
Samuel 9-12) and on Friday the topic is 'The price' (2 Samuel
13-18). There will be nightly appearances by the 'Cracked Pot
Puppet Team', from Holywood; Walter Love and
Noel Battye will be doing Bible readings; Alison Cadden from
Seagoe Parish and her band will lead the worship (Nicola Cowan,
Karen Bowden and Clara Costly are the soloists) and the Big Blue
Sky Christian Drama Company providing sketches on the Wednesday
and Thursday evenings.
If you haven't been able to attend
yet, why not come and enjoy the remaining two nights. In
issuing a general invitation Bishop Harold said, 'Don't miss it! I'll be there to welcome you each
evening and my prayer is that God, who will certainly be there,
will bless us abundantly'. All services start at 8.00pm.
At the Bishops' Bible week in St Saviour's,
Dollingstown last Tuesday night (28th August)
are L to R: Basil O'Malley (St Saviour's,
Dollingstown), Rev Ed Vaughan (speaker), The
Right Rev Harold Miller - Bishop of Down &
Dromore, Letitia Fitzpatrick (UTV), Rev Warren
Russell (Rural Dean - Ballynahinch) and Jim
Patterson (St Saviour's, Dollingstown)
.Members of the host parishes who welcomed about
400 visitors and carried out car parking duties
at the Bishops' Bible week last Tuesday night
(28th August). L to R: Basil O'Malley (St
Saviour's, Dollingstown), Brian Costly
(Magheralin Parish), David Corkin (St Saviour's,
Dollingstown), Jim Patterson (St Saviour's,
Dollingstown) and Terry Nicholson (Magheralin
Hannah Collins and Margaret Collins (St
Saviour's, Dollingstown); Rev Joanne Megarrell,
Mrs Joan West and the Rev Canon Roderic West
(Moira Parish); Rev Gareth Harron, Mark Bailey,
Bertie Hunter and Joan Hunter (St Saviour's,
Roddy Oliver, Hugh Crookshanks and Clara
Crookshanks (Drumbeg Parish) and the Rev Raymond
Devenney (Rector of Drumbeg), The Right Rev
Harold Miller - Bishop of Down & Dromore, Rev
Canon Robert Howard (Rector of Annahilt and
Magherahamlet), Rev Stanley Gamble (Knockbreda
Parish), Sally McCurry and Sammy Stewart
(Annahilt Parish).
Some members of the Lecale group of churches
pictured at the Bishops' Bible week in St Saviour's, Dollingstown last Tuesday night (28th
August). L to R: Very Rev Henry Hull - Dean of
Down, Olly Stapleton, Mabel McComskey, Maureen
Leathers, Gerry Hull and Betty Dunn.
Ven John Scott (right) pictured with some
members of Seapatrick Parish, Banbridge at the
Bishops' Bible week in St Saviour's,
Dollingstown last Tuesday night (28th August).
The Right Rev Harold Miller - Bishop of Down &
Dromore, picturing welcoming about 400 people to
his first ever Bishops' Bible week in St Saviour's, Dollingstown last Tuesday night (28th
Rev Ed Vaughan addresses the large crowd at the
Bishops' Bible week in St Saviour's,
Dollingstown last Tuesday night (28th August).
Clara Costly, a member of Shankill Parish,
Lurgan, pictured singing a solo at the Bishops'
Bible week in St Saviour's, Dollingstown last
Tuesday night (28th August).
Karen Bowden, a member of Railway Street
Presbyterian Church, Lisburn pictured leading
the worship at the Bishops' Bible week in St Saviour's, Dollingstown last Tuesday night (28th