12 of the 16 members from the
Finaghy Methodist team who are going to Tanzania in
August. Back'. row from left to right - Ivan
Kirkpatrick, Peter Kirkpatrick, Dave Cummins,
Jonathan Rowe, Gerald Hall, Colin Kirkpatrick and
Don Reid. Front Row from left to right - Deirdre
McHugh, Jenny McBride, William Donaghy (team
leader), Alberta Hanna and Beverley Moore.
A TEAM from Finaghy Methodist Church are
heading to Tanzania this summer to continue the church's
missionary work in Africa.
Following on from a productive visit in
2005 and endless fundraising, the church group hopes to
build a worship centre.
Jennifer McBride, 30, who will be
travelling to Africa with the team of 16 in August explained
that the main project will be employing local people in Magu
to erect a multi-purpose building to be used for a worship
centre, nursery school, for community events, a youth
centre, health care and library.
She said: "We would also be involved in
other projects like supplying water pumps to develop small
farms and working with schools and families for example.
"Since our last visit we have been
supporting 114 orphans living with extended families and
friends. We have also been supplying hundreds of mosquito
nets to families: these are treated at six month intervals
to ensure they give maximum protection against Malaria.
"To raise funds for the project the group
have come up with a novel campaign 'Buy a Brick for
Tanzania'. Bricks are priced at �10 each and we hope to sell
1,000 bricks."
All money raised is for the project and
the team are paying their own costs. If you would like to
make a donation by buying a brick or bricks please send your
cheque (made payable to 'Finaghy Methodist Church Tanzania
Account') to Tanzania Appeal, Finaghy Methodist Church,
Upper Lisburn Rd, Belfast BT10 OLJ, Tel: 90611741or donate
Ulster Star