Canon Cochrane pictured with the
Rector, the Rev Paul Dundas.
Preaching his final sermon as Senior
Minister of Christ Church.
L to
R: Mr Wesley Dickinson - Rector's Warden, Rev Paul
Dundas - Rector, Canon Cochrane - Senior Minister,
Mrs Mildred Cochrane, Rev Dianne Matchett - Curate
Assistant and Mrs Ann Elliott - People's Warden.
The Rev Canon Dr Ken Cochrane preached
his final sermon as the Senior Minister of Christ Church
Parish at a service of Evening Prayer on Sunday 30th
The Rector, the Rev Paul Dundas, led
the service and in welcoming Canon Cochrane's family and
friends he spoke of the wonderful contribution that he has
made to Christ Church as the Senior Minister since 1999.
The Scripture lessons were read by Canon Cochrane and the
Curate Assistant, the Rev Diane Matchett, led the prayers of
intercession. Renee Madden played the organ and the Christ
Church Choir led the praise. The hymns included, 'We love
the place, O God, in which your honour dwells', 'Ye servants
of God, your Master proclaim' and 'Great is thy
In his final sermon as Senior Minister,
Canon Cochrane spoke of how he was brought up in a Christian
home where his father read the scriptures every night. His
parents gave him a love for the Bible and the more he
learned about it, the more he learned about life. He went
on to explain that in due course he found that Christianity
does not get you into heaven but that Christianity is about
getting heaven into you and me. It's not a question of
where you are but what you become, he said. Asking the
question, 'what's the reason for being born'' he spoke of
the importance of finding our vocation in life and of the
need to glorify God and enjoy Him forever so letting the
beauty of Christ to be seen in you.
Canon Cochrane and his family
pictured at a service marking his final sermon
as Senior Minister of Christ Church Parish. L
to R: Eleanor, Emma, Michael, Ken, Mildred,
Peter, Christopher, Deardrie and Simon.
Canon Cochrane is presented with
a gift on behalf of the congregation by Mr
Wesley Dickinson - Rector's Warden. L to R:
Mrs Ann Elliott, Mrs Mildred Cochrane, Canon
Cochrane, Mr Wesley Dickinson and the Rev Paul
Canon Cochrane joins in the fun as his wife
Mildred is presented with a gift on behalf of
the congregation by Mrs Ann Elliott - People's
Canon Cochrane concluded by thanking
the congregation for their friendliness and for the many
cards, letters and good wishes they had received saying that
they were, 'very touched'.
A reception was held after the service
in the Parish Hall, where Mr Wesley Dickinson - Rector's
Church Warden and Mrs Ann Elliott - People's Church Warden
presented gifts to Canon and Mrs Cochrane in recognition of
their ministry in the Parish.