Lisburn city centre ministers and young people who led the
annual Good Friday 'Carrying of the Cross' march of witness in
Lisburn. L to R: Rev Edward McGee - St Patrick's, Rev Eamon
Magorrian - St Patrick's, Rev John Brackenridge and Jordan Vient
- First Lisburn, Pastor George Hilary and April Reynolds -
Lisburn Christian Fellowship, the Rev Canon Sam Wright and Peter
McConnell - Lisburn Cathedral, Rev Brian Gibson and Christina
Hampton - Railway Street, Father Dermot McCaughan and Maeve
Drayne- St Patrick's, Rev Paul Dundas and Timothy Crangle -
Christ Church, Rev Brian Anderson and Andrew Wright - Seymour
Street Methodist and the Rev Dianne Matchett - Christ Church.
The annual Good Friday 'Carrying of the Cross' march of witness
was held in Lisburn on Friday afternoon 6th April. The
procession gathered at the lower end of Bow Street and led by
the Lisburn City Centre Ministers, made its way along Bow Street
to Market Square for a short act of Worship at 12.45pm. In a
change to last year's march of witness, one young person from
each city centre congregation carried the cross, they were:
Andrew Wright - Seymour Street Methodist, Jordan Vient - First
Lisburn, Timothy Crangle - Christ Church, Christina Hampton -
Railway Street, April Reynolds - Lisburn Christian Fellowship,
Maeve Drayne - St Patrick's and Peter McConnell - Lisburn
The Very Rev Dermot McCaughan, Lisburn's recently installed
Parish Priest, welcomed the large crowd; the Rev John
Brackenridge - First Lisburn read a portion of Scripture from
John 19 vs 17-29 entitled 'Jesus Appears to His Disciples'; the
Rev Paul Dundas - Christ Church led the singing of the
well-known hymn, 'Amazing Grace' and the Rev Brian Gibson -
Railway Street led in prayer. In a short Easter address, the Rev
Brian Anderson - Seymour Street Methodist, spoke about the
significance of the Easter story. In conclusion, the Rev Canon
Sam Wright - Lisburn Cathedral gave the blessing after which
Pastor George Hilary - Lisburn Christian Fellowship
for refreshments in First Lisburn Presbyterian
Church hall.

Pictured in Market Square are just some
of the many people who joined in the
annual Good Friday 'Carrying of the
Cross' march of witness in Lisburn.