Lisburn Mayor Councillor James Tinsley launched three children's
quiz books in the Cherry Room, Lisburn Civic Centre on Thursday
25th October. The 101 series of books compiled by his brother
Colin are entitled Bible Crosswords, Bible Word Searches and
Bible Sword Drills.
Former Dundrod man Colin Tinsley, who now lives in Kinallen, was
born on 8th May 1972 into a farming family of seven boys. His
Christian parents instructed every son in the things of God and
of their need of Salvation. During a special Gospel campaign in
Lisburn in June 1989, Colin became a Christian at the age of 17.
From this moment on, the Lord has given him many opportunities
to serve Him. All his Christian life Colin has been committed to
spreading the gospel and the Word of God among children and
young people. Since the creation of Hope for Youth Ministries in
2005 he has worked full time in this field of service. As well
as an involvement with short-term mission programmes in Kenya,
USA and Poland he has lived and ministered for longer periods of
time with various church groups as far afield as Jamaica and
Australia. In the course of his service Colin has visited and
spoken at over 300 schools, 120 of which are situated in
Northern Ireland. He is also an experienced organiser of Bible
clubs, camps and missions. Colin is married to Joanna, a
well-known and talented artist from Poland.
Launching the books Councillor Tinsley said that as Mayor he is
asked to attend many functions and perform many tasks and said
that it was a 'personal privilege to launch Colin's books as he
seeks to do something for the Lord'. Congratulating his brother
he said that Colin, with support from his wife Joanna, had put a
lot of work into the books and prayed that the Lord would use
the books.
To a gathered crowd of friends and well-wishers last Thursday
evening, Colin gave a brief explanation about what inspired him
to compile the books. He recalled that as a child he once
visited his mother in hospital and discovered that she had been
doing a crossword puzzle. Realising that his mother, a Christian
lady, who he describes as 'the best Mum in the world', was
unable to answer questions on sport, films etc he came up with
the idea of compiling a book of crossword puzzles based on the
Bible, which he described as 'old fashioned - but ever new'.
Colin thanked his brother the Mayor for launching the books
after which he invited some of his guests to take part in doing
some Bible based competitions - Sword drills, crosswords and
word search challenges that are contained in his books.
Colin's books will be promoted at Hillsborough Free Presbyterian
Church on Saturday 10th November at 8.00pm. The books are
available from Christian bookshops, alternatively you can
contact Colin on (028) 9753 3716,
emailcolintinsley@tiscali.co.uk. All proceeds for these
books go towards the ministry Colin is engaged in - Children's
and Youth Ministry.