short Service of Dedication will be held in the Boyd Room -
First Lisburn Presbyterian Church tonight (Friday 11th May) at
7.00 pm for those interested in the work of Christian Aid and
especially those who will be collecting during Christian Aid
Week on Sunday 13th to Saturday 19th May.
During the meeting, Mr
Periyasamy Muthulintam, Director of the Institute of Social
Development in Sri Lanka, will speak about his programmes to
improve the lives of the workers on the tea plantations. The
meeting will be informal and short, finishing around 8.00 pm so
that folk will be able to continue with their usual Friday
evening plans.
The Christian Aid street collection in the centre of Lisburn is
next Tuesday 15th May and regional organizers would be grateful
for help with that. Volunteers are vital to the work of
Christian Aid, so if anyone can spare an hour next Tuesday,
please call Hazel McCall on Lisburn 92601777.
About Christian Aid
Aid is an agency of the churches in the UK and Ireland, working
wherever the need is greatest - irrespective of religion or
race. Because Christian Aid believe in strengthening people to
find their own solutions to the problems they face, they support
local organisations which are best placed to understand local
needs. They also give help on the ground through 16 overseas
offices and strive for a new world transformed by an end to
poverty and campaign to change the rules that keep people poor.