At the switch-on of the Christmas tree lights in
Young people from C.A.T.C.H. (Christ At The
Centre Here) pictured following the switch-on of the
Christmas tree lights in Drumbo.
of the Drumbo and District Community Association held the annual
switch-on of the Christmas tree lights in Drumbo village last
Friday night (14th December).
Welcoming the many members of the community who attended the
event, Ian Douglas, Chairman of the Drumbo and District
Community Association thanked Lisburn City Council for their
support and in particular the grant towards the tree.
Councillor Betty Campbell paid tribute to the Drumbo and
District Community Association who organised the event and gave
a special thanks to the young people from C.A.T.C.H. (Christ At
The Centre Here) who served refreshments, arranged for a visit
by Santa and organised a successful table quiz in Drumbo
Presbyterian Church Hall.
The Rev Adrian McLernon, Minister of Drumbo Presbyterian Church
switched on the lights and gave a short seasonal address based
on Isaiah 9 v 2, 'The people walking in darkness have seen a
great light'. Mr McLernon explained that the switch-on of the
Christmas tree lights was symbolic of the light Jesus brought
into this life and went on to speak of the need to embrace Jesus
and invite Him into our hearts so that He can bring light and
hope and make a real difference in our lives at this Christmas
Salvation Army band members Nathan, Adam and John Moore and John
Murdock added to the great Christmas spirit in the village as
they led the singing of well-known carols.