At the request of the Ecological & Environmental Panel of the
Church in Society Committee, Parish churches in Ireland rang
their bells last Saturday afternoon (8th December) as a warning
about global warming on the Global Day of Action on Climate
Change. The alarm was the Eco-panel's contribution to an
international day of protest that coincides with the Bali talks
on climate change. The aim of the action was to draw the issue
to the attention of local politicians and call on them to do
more about it.
At 2.00pm the bells of churches around Ireland rang out to
signal that the world must warm by no more than two degrees
centigrade if mankind is to continue to live here with any level
of comfort and safety.
Revd David Humphries, Chairman of the Ecological and
Environmental Panel, who urged parishes to show their support by
ringing their bells and by attending the public events said,
'Global warming isn't just an international issue, it's
something we should be engaged with at the national and local
level too. We want to draw the attention of our politicians to
this issue. But we also want parishes to become involved. Every
member of the Church of Ireland has a part to play in ensuring
the sustainability of our environment.'