Clonard Mission Team comprising of Fr. John Hanna and Fr.
Brendan Mulhall will visit St Patrick's on 10th - 17th November
for a time of Mission and Parish Renewal enabling the faith
batteries of the parish community to be re-charged and for all
people to be re-awakened in faith and to be newly fired by the
Holy Spirit.
The Missioners come in the name of Jesus, to help each one
reflect again on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to see how we
can help one another, build up community and make our parish a
better place to live in. The special event is a coming together
of all the parishioners and a time when God moves amongst His
people in a very special way. It is a moment of grace, a time
when we meet our Lord Jesus in a new and different way. It is
also a time of prayer and a time set aside to reflect on our
life and our relationship with God and others.