Pictured at a confirmation service in
St Paul's Parish on Sunday 4th March are: L to R:
(seated) The Rector, the Rev James Carson, the Rt
Revd S. G. Poyntz, former Bishop of Connor and
Assistant Minister - Captain Gary Roberts (Church
Army). (standing) Roy Robinson ' Peoples' Warden,
Amy Jamison, Joshua Colquhoun, Nicola Kennedy, James
Wickings, Sara Bustard, Clarke Gibb, Laura Moore,
Graham Walker, Paul Kelly, Amy Belshaw and Stanley
Gamble - Rector's Warden.
Pictured at a confirmation service in
St Paul's Parish on Sunday 4th March are: L to R:
Hugh McKay, Paul Kelly, the Rt Revd S. G. Poyntz -
former Bishop of Connor, Barbara McKay, Jim Cairns
and the Rector, the Rev James Carson.
Joshua Colquhoun pictured with his
parents at a confirmation service in St Paul's
Parish on Sunday 4th March. Included in the picture
is the Rt Revd S. G. Poyntz - former Bishop of
Amy Belshaw, Sara Bustard, Joshua Colquhoun, Clarke Gibb, Amy
Jamison, Nicola Kennedy, Laura Moore, Graham Walker, James
Wickings and Paul Kelly were confirmed at a Confirmation and
Dedication of Gifts Service in St Paul's Parish, Lisburn on
Sunday 4th March.
The Rector, the Rev James Carson led the service and the Rt Revd
S. G. Poyntz, former Bishop of Connor conducted the confirmation
and commission ceremony assisted by the Rector and assistant
minister - Captain Gary Roberts (Church Army).
The Rector, the Rev James Carson is
pictured presenting the cup for best confirmation
essay to Joshua Colquhoun and Amy Jamison. Looking
on are Joshua's mother Rosie (left) and Amy's mother
Judith (right). The picture was taken at a
confirmation service in St Paul's Parish on Sunday
4th March.
Laura Moore pictured with her
godparents/grandparents - Ella Castles and John
Moore at a confirmation service in St Paul's Parish
on Sunday 4th March.
Pictured at a confirmation service in
St Paul's Parish on Sunday 4th March are: L to R:
(seated) Nesta Orr, Jeffrey Gibb, Clarke Gibb,
Rosmary Gibb and Mark Orr. (back row) Mark Taylor,
Graham Taylor, Joanne Moore, Simon Preston, Tara
Gibb, Chistopher Orr and Peter Blake. Missing from
the photo are Godparents Tom and Denise Taylor.
In his address to the ten candidates, Bishop Poyntz spoke on the
subject of faith and emphasising that Jesus is the only one in
whom we can utterly and completely trust. He said that faith
needs care, attention and nourishment and spoke of the need to
nourish our faith through worship, prayer, and communion and
also to mature in our faith through the study of the Scriptures.
He concluded by instructing the candidates to proclaim the good
news of God in Christ and seek and serve Him in all people,
loving your neighbour as yourself.
Joshua Colquhoun rear the Scripture lesson from Corinthians 1
ch15 and the Rector read the second Scripture lesson from Luke
6. Elaine Coey on organ and the church choir led the praise. The
hymns included, 'Come down, O love divine', 'O Jesus I have
promised' and 'Go forth and tell'.
During the service Bishop Poyntz dedicated the following works
and gifts. In the Church Hall: New toilet complex, kitchen
facilities, entrance hall, door and ramp. In the Refurbished
porch: A clock presented by Mrs Joan Beck and family in memory
of Kenneth, a table presented by Roy and Yvonne Robinson and
table cloths for use in the Hall presented by Mr Stewart and Mrs
Margaret Clarke. In the Church: A new sound and vision system,
two confirmation kneelers presented by the Mothers' Union, a
wedding kneeler presented by Stanley and Oriel Gamble, Prayer
books presented by Mrs Joan Beck and family in memory of Kenneth
and anonymous gifts of two monitor stands, wedding kneeler,
prayer books and hymn books.
The service was followed by supper in the Church Hall.