L to R: (back row) Pastor Nick
Serb, Joanne Watterson and Norman Wright pictured
with the Saltmine Theatre Company cast and technical
crew at morning worship in Mount Zion Free Methodist
Church last Sunday (4th November).
Following their performance of 'The Cross and the Switchblade'
at the Island Hall, Lisburn last Saturday night (3rd November),
the Saltmine Theatre Company were the special guests at morning
worship in Mount Zion Free Methodist Church on Sunday (4th
After being welcomed by Pastor Nick Serb, the team spoke about
the work of the Saltmine Theatre Company and of their aim of to
reach people with the message of the Gospel. They presented a
sketch in which two friends were having a conversation about the
thief on the cross. The sketch showed the surprise of the two
friends when Jesus promised the thief he would be in paradise.
The whole team took part in the service and Michael Taylor,
leading character in The Cross and the Switchblade, sang two
Sharing from Luke 4, Pastor Serb developed the words of Jesus
from Isaiah 61 explaining that for an empowered ministry it is
essential to have God's anointing and touch. He concluded that
just like Jesus we are called to a ministry that is not ordinary
and the only way to accomplish it is to be empowered by His
Following the service lunch was served in the church hall
providing the opportunity to meet and chat with the talented
The team presented 'The Cross and the Switchblade' at The Helix
- Dublin, Island Hall - Lisburn; Riverside Theatre - Coleraine;
An Grianan Theatre - Letterkenny and their Ireland tour
concludes this weekend (Friday 9th and Saturday 10th) at
Willowfield Church, Belfast.