The Rt Rev Dr David Clarke -
Moderator of the General Assembly and Rev David
Porter pictured at a Re-opening and Dedication
Service in Second Dromara Presbyterian Church on
Wednesday 9th May.
Second Dromara Presbyterian Church was packed to capacity on
Wednesday 9th May for a Re-opening and Dedication Service
following major renovation to the interior of the building. The
minister, the Rev David Porter led the service and the Moderator
of the General Assembly The Right Rev Dr David Clarke dedicated
the Church and gifts and preached the sermon.
For many years it was felt that the attractive but uncomfortable
box pews needed replaced and that the heating and lighting
needed upgrading. It was also felt that the interior doors
needed to be increased in height by 9 inches to facilitate
funeral arrangements and that work was also needed to improve
the visibility of people sitting in the gallery by increasing
the angle of the seating and replacing the wooden panelling at
the front of the gallery with glass panelling. However, when
work commenced in late November 2006 it was found that the floor
also needed to be replaced. The work, which also included the
installation of Powerpoint and upgrading of the sound system,
was completed at a cost of just �168,000 due to voluntary labour
in removing the old pews and flooring etc.
The church was re-opened for worship on Good Friday 6th April
and the first Sunday service held on the 8th April.
Pictured at a Re-opening and
Dedication Service in Second Dromara Presbyterian
Church on Wednesday 9th May are L to R: (back row)
Alan Marshall - Building Project Manager, Rev Gary
Trueman - Moderator of the Presbytery of Dromore,
Rev David Porter, the Right Worshipful the Mayor,
Councillor Trevor Lunn, the Rt Rev Dr David Clarke -
Moderator of the General Assembly and Alderman
Jeffrey Donaldson MP MLA. (front row) Mrs Ann
Marshall, Mrs Norma Porter, Mrs Hazel Clarke and Mrs
Laureen Lunn - Mayoress.
Second Dromara Presbyterian Church
Choir pictured at a Re-opening and Dedication
Service in Second Dromara Presbyterian Church on
Wednesday 9th May.
Memorial gifts of thirty pews and a new door were also dedicated
at the service after which a delightful supper was served in the
church hall. The Moderator, the Rt Rev Dr David Clarke brought
the greetings of the General Assembly; the Rev Gary Trueman
brought the greetings of the Presbytery of Dromore and the Right
Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor Trevor Lunn brought the
greetings of Lisburn City Council. Alan Marshall who
successfully managed the project gave an informative overview of
the work. Other special guests included the Lagan Valley MP
Jeffrey Donaldson.
Brief history of Second Dromara Church
Second Dromara congregation was established to meet the needs of
many Presbyterians who were unable to attend First Dromara
Church by reason of distance. The first minister, Mr. John
Murdoch, was ordained here in March 1845. The ministry of Mr.
John Logan, ordained in 1895, saw extensive renovations carried
out to the church property and during the ministry of the Rev.
James Johnston (1968-1978) a new manse was built. The present
minister, the Rev David Porter, was installed here in January