Pictured at the Lagan District Annual
Girls' Brigade Service in First Lisburn Presbyterian
Church last Sunday afternoon is L to R: (front row)
Donna Hewitt, Jill Doherty, Deputy Mayor - Councillor
James Tinsley, Mrs Margaret Tinsley, Latifa McCullagh -
District Commissioner, Rosie Bailie, Shiralee Bailee and
Susan Brown. (back row) Captain John O'Neill - Church
Army, Rev Andrew Thompson - Chairman of Lagan Valley
District, Rev John Brackenbridge - First Lisburn and
Karen Webb (Church Army).
About 370 girls and officers attended the Lagan District Annual
Girls' Brigade Service in First Lisburn Presbyterian Church last
Sunday afternoon (1st April). The 15 Girl Brigade Company's
represented were: Drumbo, Dunmurry, Elmwood, First Lisburn,
Hillsborough, Kilmakee, Magheragall, Moira and Sloan Street
Presbyterian; Seymour Hill, Seymour Street and Trinity
Methodist; St Paul's and Lambeg Parish; and Lisburn
The special guests were the Deputy Mayor - Councillor James
Tinsley and his wife Margaret.
The Rev Andrew Thompson - Chairman of Lagan Valley District
assisted by the Rev John Brackenridge - First Lisburn led the
service. Captain John O'Neill (Church Army) assisted by Karen
Webb (Church Army) gave the address assisted by puppets Grandma and Shirley
Sheep with Claire Mayne (Lambeg Parish) providing the Scripture
readings. Together they told the story of the lost coin and the
lost sheep recalling how the Shepherd left the 99 sheep to search for
the one that was lost. He explained that Jesus Christ (The Great
Shepherd), died for our
sins because we too are priceless and precious to Him.
Vocalists Lyndsay Parr, Heather Vient and Karen Orr accompanied
by Jill Craig on Piano, Alan Erwin on guitar and Allister Brown
on drums led the praise.
The offering was taken for Northern Ireland's Childrens'
Hospice, this year's chosen Lagan District Girls' Brigade