A joint evening service for all churches in the Dromore
Presbytery will be held in First Dromore Presbyterian Church
next Sunday evening (11th March) at 7.00pm. The Rev Gary Trueman,
the new Moderator of Dromore Presbytery, will lead the service
and the speaker will be the Rt Rev Dr David Clarke, Moderator of
the General Assembly.
The 22 churches in the Dromore Presbytery are: Anahilt,
Ballinderry, Banbridge Road - Dromore, Cargycreevy, Drumbo,
Drumlough, Elmwood - Lisburn, First Dromara, First Dromore,
First Lisburn, Harmony Hill - Lambeg, Hillhall, Hillsborough,
Legacurry, Loughaghery, Magheragall, Maze, Moira, Railway
Street- Lisburn, Second Dromara, Sloan Street - Lisburn and St.
Columba?s - Lisburn.