part in the
Summer Epilogue Service last Sunday
evening were L to R: Roger Thompson, John
Quigley, Rev Brian Anderson, Evelyn Whyte,
Sam Beckett and Alan Lewis.
Each Sunday evening during July and August, the Lisburn city
centre congregations of Lisburn Cathedral, First Lisburn
Presbyterian, Railway Street Presbyterian and Seymour Street
Methodist join for Summer Epilogue Services at 8.00pm. The
service last Sunday evening was held in Seymour Street
Methodist. The minister, the Rev Brian Anderson led the service;
John Quigley - Diocesan Reader (Lisburn Cathedral) read the
Scripture Lesson; Evelyn Whyte - Deaconess (First Lisburn) led
the prayers of intersession; and Roger Thompson (Railway Street)
gave the address. Alan Lewis on piano led the worship and Sam
Beckett was in charge of audio and PowerPoint.
Roger Thompson, a member of Railway Street congregation and
Honorary Treasurer of the Belfast City Mission, based his
address on the portion of Scripture, John 20 v 19-30, which
recounts the occasions after Jesus' resurrection when He
appeared to His despondent and frightened disciples and, later,
to 'doubting' Thomas. Through their meeting with the risen
Christ the disciples had their fear replaced with peace, their
uncertainty with assurance and their human weakness by the
presence and power of the Holy Spirit. On the second occasion
Jesus appeared specifically for Thomas' benefit and to meet the
conditions that he had imposed for believing in Christ's
resurrection - Thomas' response was to address Jesus as 'My Lord
and my God'. Roger concluded by emphasising the need to stop
doubting and to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God
and thereby we will enjoy life in all its fullness, as He
promised, both now and eternally.
With the exception of a Songs of Praise evening in Christ Church
Parish on Sunday 29th July at 6.30pm, all of the Summer Epilogue
Services will be held at 8.00pm. The venues for the remaining
ones are as follows: Sunday 22nd July - First Lisburn, Sunday
29th July - Songs of Praise in Christ Church at 6.30pm, Sunday
5th August - Lisburn Cathedral, Sunday 12th August - Railway
Street, Sunday 19th August - Seymour Street and Sunday 26th
August - First Lisburn.