L to R: (seated) District Chaplains - Rev Gerry
Sproule and Rev Victor Neill. (back row) Robert
Murphy - District Lay Chaplain, David Hobson -
District Secretary and Will Lough (right) who
organised the event.
Gary Shields (conductor) and Aughnaskeogh Silver
The Lower Iveagh Evangelical Concern Carol Service was held in
Dromore Orange Hall last Monday evening (10th December). The Rev
Gerry Sproule, District Chaplain, led the service and the
preacher was former Skeogh man, the Rev Victor Neill, District
Chaplain and minister of Bangor Congregational Church. Robert
Murphy - District Lay Chaplain and David Hobson - District
Secretary read the Scripture lessons. Local Gospel singers Alma
Ferguson and Alison Reid, accompanied by Edna Ferguson on
keyboard, brought several items of seasonal praise. Aughnaskeogh
Silver Band, conducted by Gary Shields, led the singing of
well-known Christmas Carols including 'Silent Night' and 'O
Little town of Bethlehem'.
Basing his address on a character study of Herod, Mr Neill spoke
of him as - a great 'pretender' and a great 'liar' and went on
to speak of his great 'shock', his great 'ignorance', his great
'cruelty' and the great 'judgement awaiting'. Reminding us how
the wise men came to seek Jesus, Mr Neill emphasised the need
for us to be wise and also seek Jesus; and concluded by speaking
of the importance of putting our trust in Jesus and letting Him
rule in our hearts and in our lives, thereby enabling us to
celebrate Christmas in the way it should be celebrated.
The retiring collection raised over '250 for the Barnabas Fund
to help persecuted Christians in Iraq.
Following the service, the ladies served seasonal refreshments
of mince pies and shortbread.