Pictured at the Harvest Thanksgiving Service in
First Lisburn Presbyterian Church last Sunday
morning (14th October) are L to R: (back row) The
minister, the Rev John Brackenridge, Perry Reid -
Clerk of Session, Tom Whyte - Director of Music,
Joyce Moran and Richard McNeight. (back row) Evelyn
Whyte - Deaconess and Helen Lynn, Margaret Rooney
and Linda McDougall who helped decorate the church
so tastefully.
PWA members Margaret Rooney (Vice President),
Inez Price, Vera McQuoid and Elizabeth Watt pictured
at the PWA window, one of the many splendid floral
decorations at the Harvest Thanksgiving Service in
First Lisburn Presbyterian Church last Sunday
morning (14th October).
The annual Harvest Thanksgiving Service was held in First
Lisburn Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning (14th October).
The minister, the Rev John Brackenridge led the service and
opened with the PCI Collect for Harvest Sunday, 'O God, our
Heavenly Father, who by Thy gracious providence hast made the
earth to bring forth her fruits for our use in this Thine
appointed time; we most humbly beseech Thee to bless this
season, that the harvest Thou hast bestowed may safely be
gathered in, for the comfort of Thy children, and the glory of
Thy name; through Jesus Christ our Lord'.
The church choir, accompanied by Tom Whyte - Director of Music,
sang the anthems 'Creation's Hymn' and 'The Cloud's Veil'. The
children's praise was 'God whose farm is all creation' and the
congregational hymns were 'Come you thankful people, come',
'Lord of the Harvest, once again' and 'We plough the fields and
The Scripture lessons from Deuteronomy 24: 19-22 'Remember the
stranger' and Luke 12: 15-21 'The parable of the rich fool' were
read by Joyce Moran.
During the service, Richard McNeight launched the second phase
of 'Future First' aimed at securing funding for the post of
Director of Youth Ministries for a further four years thereby
building on the vision and success of the last four years. The
brochure, which was prepared for the Harvest Service, was
distributed to all church members. It outlines that on 'Pledge
Sunday' (October 28th) the congregation are asked to pledge
'130,000 for the youth ministry post.
Mr Brackenridge thanked Mrs Annabel Poots and her team of
willing helpers who decorated the church so tastefully. He also
thanked the organist and choir and all who took part in the
service. In keeping with the seasonal celebrations, he chose as
the topic for his sermon, 'Harvest thanksgiving'.