Organisers Stephen Jones - Lisburn City Elim
and Stephen Auld - Elmwood Presbyterian (front)
pictured with some of the young people who took
part in 'Focus 24' in Lagan Valley Island
(Studio Theatre) last Saturday night (26th May).
L to R: (back row) Clare Norris, David McKechnie,
Johnny Mills, Johnny Gilkinson, James Toal, Phil
Christie, Stephen McLoughlin and Niall Hilary.
Local youth organisation 'Focus' came together with Lisburn City
Elim and local youth organisation '24' (Elmwood Presbyterian
Church) for an event called 'Focus 24' in Lagan Valley Island
(Studio Theatre) last Saturday night (26th May). Organised by
Stephen Jones (Lisburn City Elim) and Stephen Auld (Elmwood
Presbyterian) and assisted by speaker Simon Thompson, the
evening of live bands, games and worship art presented the theme
'Something Missing'' to a capacity crowd of young people.