Pictured above are parishioners from
Aghalee and Maghaberry Parish who organised last year's
successful event. L to R: (front row) Paddy Sutton, Rev.
Simon Doogan - Rector, Ina Watson, Vivienne McMullen,
Evelyn Briggs and James Murray. (back row) Stephen
Lewis, Emily Hull, David McLorn, Joy Lewis, Helen Laird,
Eleanor Hamill, Irene Culbert, and Billy Hamill.
Roll up - Roll up - all roads led to Aghalee Village Hall when
the Parish of Aghalee (which includes Maghaberry) are having a
'Parish Fair' on Saturday 9th June and a 'Gardener's Road Show'
by the BBC on Tuesday 12th June.
The 'Parish Fair' will be held in Aghalee Village Hall and
grounds on Saturday 9th June from 10.30am to 1.00pm and the
great fun for all the family will include: Teas, Cakes,
Barbeque, Side Shows, Stalls, Face-Painting, & Organ Grinder.
A 'Gardener's Road Show' by the BBC will be recorded in the
Parish Hall on Soldierstown Road at 7.30pm on Tuesday 12th June
when all your gardening questions will be answered at this the
latest and innovative venture for the Parish.