Well-known Country Gospel singer George
Hamilton IV together with some local musicians paid a
tribute to Banbridge poet Joseph Scriven at a service in
Lisburn Church of the Nazarene last Sunday on Sunday evening
4th March. During the service, George told the
story of how the late Joseph Scriven, formerly a member of
Holy Trinity Parish, Banbridge, emigrated to Canada in 1845
and became a school teacher. While on a trip to the Holy
Land in 1846 he wrote a poem entitled 'What a friend we have
in Jesus'. In 1870, the editor of the Portmore Evening
Standard came across the poem and published it. George
Hamilton went on to explain that the poem later fell into
the hands of the great hymn writer Charles Converse who put
the melody to it. During the service, George Hamilton and
the band of local musicians played what is now Joseph
Scriven's well-known beautiful gospel hymn. Other songs
they played included 'Amazing Grace' and George's popular
hit song 'Canadian Pacific'.
On Monday evening George and the band
performed at Newmills (near Gilford) and on Tuesday evening
they were at Waringstown. On Wednesday (7thMarch)
they played in Queen Street Methodist Church, Lurgan.

Well-known Country Gospel
singer George Hamilton 1V pictured at a tribute to
Banbridge poet Joseph Scriven in Lisburn Church of
the Nazarene on Sunday 4th March. L to
R: (seated) Rev Albert Griffith, George Hamilton 1V
and Mrs Rhonda Griffith. (back row) Joe Redmond
(church trustee), Sam Armstrong (vocals and
Percussion), Colin Elliott (vocals and bass) and Sam
Perkins (church trustee). Missing from the photo is
keyboard player Samuel Purdy and guitarist and
vocalist Roy Dreaning.