Pentecost Picnic and Prayer
Sunday 27th May 2007 at 1.00pm to 3.15pm
Wallace Park, Lisburn (Seymour St. Methodist Church if wet)

On behalf of the Lisburn City Centre Ministers' Fellowship,
Pastor George Hilary (Lisburn Christian Fellowship) invites
ministers and members of all our Lisburn churches to join in
fellowship and prayer as we link locally with the 'Global Day of
Prayer' initiative in a 'Pentecost Picnic and Prayer' on Sunday
27th May 2007 at 1.00pm to 3.15pm in Wallace Park, Lisburn
(Seymour St. Methodist Church if wet).
Meet at the bandstand in Wallace Park at 1.00pm for a picnic
(bring your own lunch). For the first hour there will be music
and a presentation geared for children. The Mayor will welcome
the participants at 2.00pm and everyone will join together in
prayers for our nation and world led by local church leaders
with 7 prayers of worship; thanksgiving; for the nations; needy
people in our world, against evil; finishing with prayers of
worship and praise. Each prayer will be followed by a suitable
interpretation or response.
As our Lisburn churches meet together, they will join with a
number of similar events in the Province and many more
world-wide. Everyone is welcome to come to this event and the
organisers would be grateful if you would promote it in your
church and on your church notice board, bulletin and websites.
For a poster for use on church notice boards, contact Mr Hilary
at or by telephone at (028) 9267
0100. Further details can be found at or, for Ireland, at
To download poster in Power Point format please click here
Poster Link
and 'Save' or click 'open' and print poster.
There is no charge for the event but an offering will be taken.
The organisers trust the weather will be kind, but if wet, the
event will be held in Seymour Street Methodist Church (adjacent
to Wallace Park).