Pictured in the Mayor's Parlour last Monday
afternoon (15th October) at the launch of
the Peace & Reconciliation course 'Gospel in
Conflict' are the Right Worshipful the Mayor,
Councillor James Tinsley (seated) and L to R: Mrs
Laura Coulter - Peace-Making Officer (Presbyterian
Church in Ireland), Mr Joe Topping - Presbytery
Peace Officer, Mr David Mitchell - Good Relations
Officer (Lisburn City Council) and the Rev Gary
Trueman - Moderator of Dromore Presbytery.
The Dromore Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church, supported
by Lisburn City Council's Good Relations Programme and
financially assisted through the Office of the First &
Deputy First Minister, are offering running a Peace &
Reconciliation course 'Gospel in Conflict' (Loving your
Neighbour) in the city. Developed initially by the
Presbyterian Church in Ireland as a single identity course
to raise awareness of how the gospel speaks about of peace
issues, the course, which was launched by the Right
Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor James Tinsley last Monday
afternoon (15th October) will run for five sessions on the
following evenings: Monday 22nd October, Monday 29th
October, Monday 19th November, Monday 26th November and
Monday 21st January. Each 2-hour session commences at 7.30pm
and takes place in the Island Civic Centre.