Pictured at a car-boot
sale in St Paul's, Lisburn on Saturday 19th
May are L to R: Mrs Beth Ward, Mrs Margaret
Clarke, Shelly Boyd and Mrs Oriel Gamble.
Over the last few years a number of St Paul's parishioners have
built houses in other parts of the world with Habitat. This
summer Shelly Boyd is off to Africa with Habitat and the parish
of St Paul's gave Shelly the opportunity to hold a Car-boot sale
to raise funds for the trip on Saturday 19th May. The sun shone
and it was a great success, a total of '1,300 was raised. From
this amount as a thank-you to parishioners for their hard work
on her behalf, Shelly gave a donation of '200 to St Paul's which
the rector is using as 'seed funding' for a library of Christian
books for the use of parishioners. Shelly's mum June said, 'the
family was very proud of Shelly and overwhelmed by the love and
support they received'.
The parish is delighted to support Shelly and Habitat and pray
that Shelly and the team will have a safe and successful trip.
Habitat for Humanity is a non-denominational Christian charity
dedicated to eliminating poverty housing worldwide. It builds
and renovates simple, decent homes with the help of homeowner
families, through volunteer labour and donations of money and