The church choir accompanied
by Mrs Gwen Doran (right) pictured singing the
Introit, 'In the stillness' at the Harvest
Thanksgiving Service in the Second Dromara
Presbyterian Church on Monday 22nd October.
Following major renovation to the interior of
the building, this beautiful church was
re-opened and dedicated on Wednesday 9th May by
the Moderator of the General Assembly The Right
Rev Dr David Clarke.
Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held in Second Dromara
Presbyterian Church last weekend. The Rev Arthur Clarke (Senior
Minister of Glascar and Donaghmore Presbyterian Churches) was
the speaker at the morning service and the Rev Dr Warren Porter
(Senior Minister of Moneydig Presbyterian Church) was the
speaker at the evening service.
At the Monday evening service (22nd October) led by the
Minister, the Rev David Porter, the church choir accompanied by
Mrs Gwen Doran (Organist and Choir Mistress) sang the anthems,
'In the stillness', 'Songs of the reaper' and 'As we've sown so
shall we reap'. The congregational praise included 'Come, ye
thankful people come' and 'The Lord will provide'. Duetists
David and Edith Reid also brought some items of praise. Mr
Porter chose as the topic for his address 'Bearing Fruit' based
on Colossians 1 v 10. Sub-dividing his sermon into four
headings, he spoke of Fruitful Service, Fruitful Growth,
Fruitful Endurance and Fruitful Rejoicing. Emphasised the
importance of living a life worthy of the Lord and growing in
the knowledge of the Lord, he concluded by speaking of the joy
of knowing our sins forgiven so that on the day of the 'Harvest
of Souls', we will see Him face to face.
Following the sermon, Mr Porter thanked the organist and choir
for leading the worship and also the ladies of the congregation
who decorated the church so tastefully. A delightful supper was
served afterwards in the church hall.
Second Dromara Presbyterian Church Choir
pictured at the Harvest Thanksgiving Service on
Monday 22nd October 2007. L to R: (seated) Eileen
Walsh, Glenis Heanen, Ann Mooney, Sadie Hanna, Rev
David Porter, Mrs Gwen Doran (Organist and Choir
Mistress), Ann Marshall, Nicola Kinghan and Lynne
Johnston. (second row) Tilly Kerr, Noleen Holmes,
Roberta McDowell, Rachel McDowell, Ida Annett,
Evelyn Hanna, Margaret Easton and Pauline Johnston.
(back row) David Doran, Stanley Poots, Dennis
Easton, Ian Beattie, Billy Beattie, Hubert Steele,
Bruce Steele and Brian Patterson
The minister, the Rev David Porter and Herbie
Chambers (Clerk of Session) pictured with some of
the ladies who decorated the church so tastefully
for the Harvest Thanksgiving Services. L to R: Lynne
Johnston, Nicola Kinghan, Ida Annett, Joan Browne,
Kim Graham and Margaret Easton.