Some of the Hillsborough
Parish Church youth leaders pictured on
Sunday 28th October at the refurbished
gatehouse, which is now a Youth Centre. L to
R: Johnny Beare - Youth Minister, Jonny
Howe, Heather Taylor, Elspeth Flenley, Matt
Flenley, Peter Markwell.
Following refurbishment to the interior, one of the Hillsborough
Parish Church gatehouses was opened as a Youth Centre on Friday
26th October. Johnny Beare - Youth Minister who is excited at
the new facility for young people says that SOURCE 10:10 Youth
Centre provides the church with a fantastic tool to help build
up the young people in the church and reach out to the young
people of the community. Many parishioners, parents and young
people have worked hard to get the centre ready for use and we
pray that it will be a place where young people can come and be
challenged about what God has done for them and what God can do
in the community and world. SOURCE 10:10 Youth Centre is open
for all secondary school age young people each Friday night from
7.30-10.00pm, in a drop-in style environment.