A Holiday Bible Club for children of primary school age and
young people of secondary school age and a Prayer Healing
Ministry will be held in First Lisburn Presbyterian Church next
week from Monday 13th to Friday 17th August.
The afternoon programme called 'Pyramid Rock' is for children of
primary school age (P1-P7) and will be held from 1.00pm to
4.00pm. The fun packed programme, which will allow children to
get a taste of Egypt as they follow the story of Joseph, will
also include - Bible stories, singing, games, crafts and lots
lots more.
The evening programme called 'Escape' is for young people of
secondary school age (Yr8+) and will he held from 7.30pm to
10.00pm. The adrenalin-filled programme will include live music,
sketches, games, interactive entertainment and a space to
chill-out. Teenagers won't want to miss it.
Prayer Healing Ministry
In addition to the Holiday Bible Clubs and in complete
contrast to these children's and youth events, First Lisburn
Presbyterian Church will be open for prayer next week (Monday
13th to Friday 17th August) during the following times: Monday
to Friday at 2.00pm to 4.00pm and Wednesday and Thursday
evenings at 7.30pm to 9.00pm.
You are welcome to join for a cup of tea/coffee and a chat or to
use the Church displays to encourage you in reflective prayer.
If you would like prayer, team members will be available to pray
with you - OR - if you would like prayers for someone, please
come into the Church, fill in a Prayer Request Card and place it
in the box provided in the Church porch.