At the Lisburn Area Mothers' Union service
in All Saints' Eglantine on Tuesday 9th October are L to R:
(front row) Mrs Moira Thom - President of Connor Mothers'
Union, Mrs Margaret Crawford - All-Ireland President of
Mothers' Union, the Rev Canon William Bell - Rector of
Eglantine Parish and Mrs Norma Bell - Former President of
Connor Mothers' Union. (back row) Mrs Ann Armstrong -
Lisburn Area Chairperson, Sandra Goffe - Branch Leader,
Eglantine, Anneline Best - St Mark's Ballymacash and June
Boyd - St Paul's Branch.
Mrs Margaret Crawford, All-Ireland President of Mothers' Union,
was the guest speaker at the Lisburn Area Mothers' Union service
in the Parish Church of All Saints' Eglantine on Tuesday 9th
The Rector of Eglantine Parish, the Rev Canon William Bell,
conducted the service. Mrs Norma Bell played the organ and a
choir comprising of Mothers' Union members from the Lisburn area
led the worship. June Boyd (St Paul's Branch) and Anneline Best
(St Mark's Ballymacash) read the Scripture lessons and Ann
Armstrong (Lisburn Area Chairman) and Sandra Goffe (Branch
Leader, Eglantine) led the prayers.
Lisburn Area Mothers' Union Banners L
to R: Edie Connor (Christ Church Cathedral Lisburn),
Roberta Campbell (Magheragall), Emma Greer (St Paul's Church, Lisburn), Brenda Orr (All Saints',
Eglantine), Kathleen Coard (Christ Church, Lisburn),
Anne Farr (St Mark's, Ballymacash) and Anne Sloan
(St Matthews, Broomhedge).
Guest speaker Mrs Margaret Crawford -
All-Ireland President of Mothers' Union receives a
gift from Sandra Goffe - Branch Leader, Eglantine
(left) at the Lisburn Area Mothers' Union service in
All Saints' Eglantine on Tuesday 9th October.
In her address, Mrs Crawford spoke on the Theme 'Faith in
Action'. She said members were being challenged to think about
what they could do to make a difference to the injustice of the
world, what they could do to help the disadvantaged and what
they could actively do to promote all that is good and true
especially in the area of marriage and family life. She asked
how could members do this in their homes, their communities and
worldwide' She reminded members that they did not have to do
exceptional things for God but had to be exceptional in the
ordinary things of life.
Also attending the service was Mrs Moira Thom, a parishioner at
Christ Church Lisburn who recently succeeded Mrs Norma Bell as
Connor Diocesan President of Mothers' Union.
Refreshments were served in the Parish Hall after the service
providing the opportunity for members from the Lisburn area to
meet and chat with the new All-Ireland President.
In her last event as Lisburn Area Chairperson, Mrs Ann Armstrong
thanked all the members for their support during her 6 years of
service after which Mrs Moira Thom thanked Mrs Armstrong for her
efficient contribution. Sandra Goffe brought a most enjoyable
evening to a close by presenting a gift to the guest speaker Mrs
Margaret Crawford.