Taking part in the Lower Iveagh
District Service in Dromore Free Presbyterian Church
on Sunday 1st July were L to R: The Rev Ian Kenny
(Minister of Dromore Free Presbyterian Church),
Christine Ward (Organist), Ruth McCauley and the Rev
David McLaughlin (Minister of Carryduff Free
Presbyterian Church).
Billy Campbell - Past District Master
(left) and Robert Martin (right) from Dromara True
Blues L.O.L. No. 12 pictured with Marina Campbell
and Edith Corbett at the Lower Iveagh District
Service in Dromore Free Presbyterian Church on
Sunday 1st July.
from the 23 lodges of the Lower Iveagh District L.O.L. No. 1
attended a District Service in Dromore Free Presbyterian Church
on Sunday 8st July. Aughnaskeogh Silver Band and Waringsford
Pipe Band led the parade from Dromore Orange Hall to the church.
The minister, the Rev Ian Kenny, led the service and the
preacher was the Rev David McLaughlin, Minister of Carryduff
Free Presbyterian Church. Christine Ward on organ led the
worship of the well-known hymns - 'Will your anchor hold', Power
in the Blood' and 'What a friend we have in Jesus'. Christine
Ward and Ruth McCauley sang, 'The Master is Come' and 'Nothing
but the Blood of Jesus'.
In his address entitled 'bearing a true and faithful testimony
before God and men' (based on John 21 v 23-25), Mr McLaughlin
spoke of the need to beware of false testimony, behold a
faithful testimony and believe the full testimony. He said that
the gospel starts with God and is a message - about God's remedy
for human sinfulness; cantered in the person and work of Christ;
that summons the sinner to repent and believe; that summons the
sinner to a life of faith, holiness and obedience; of
deliverance from wrath to come; and about heaven and home.
Emphasising the need to believe the full testimony of Holy
Scripture which is entirely sufficient and all that man needs
for salvation, he concluded by saying that men who do not
believe the testimony of the Old and New Testament will not
believe even if they see supernatural signs and wonders.
The offering of £442 will be donated to the Lord Enniskillen
Orange Orphan Society.
Eric Jess, Worshipful District Master, concluded the service by
thanking the Session and Committee of Dromore Free Presbyterian
Church for the use of the Church and he also thanked all who
organised, took part in and attended the service.